Heart of Recovery Support Group

December 18th (2024)

Date details +
    Room: Main Shrine Room

    Heart of Recovery meetings are every Wednesday from 7:00 - 8:00pm.

    We welcome everyone who wants to make the effort to abstain from their compulsive, addictive behaviors, and integrate the strength, clarity, and basic goodness of Buddhist meditation into their recovery.

    Meetings consist of:

    • Sitting meditation practice
    • A reading from various Buddhist practitioners (occasional meetings may consist of a short talk on Buddhism)
    • Group sharing of our personal experience, strength, and hope

    There are no requirements to attend the meeting. We welcome Buddhist and meditation practitioners from all traditions, all 12 Step programs (AA, NA, OA, ACOA, etc.), as well as those with no 12 Step affiliation. Our common elements are the shared experience of having been affected by addiction and the path of meditation. We honor anonymity and confidentiality.

    For more information e-mail: 

    [email protected]